Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library 'redis.so' (tried: /usr/local/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20230831/redis.so (/usr/local/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20230831/redis.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory), /usr/local/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20230831/redis.so.so (/usr/local/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20230831/redis.so.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)) in Unknown on line 0
Warning: Undefined array key "" in /home/animeia/vb.animeiatlight.com/includes/vb5/template.php(404) : eval()'d code on line 8 Not Your Average Adblock Detecting Mod (hide images in post) VB 3.8.11 - منتديات نورالأنيميات


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Not Your Average Adblock Detecting Mod (hide images in post) VB 3.8.11

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  • Not Your Average Adblock Detecting Mod (hide images in post) VB 3.8.11

    vB Version: 3.8.11 Rating: (0 vote - 0 average) Installs: 2
    Released: 16 Feb 2021 Last Update: 16 Feb 2021 Downloads: 20
    SupportedUses PluginsAuto-Template External Content


    This was a commissioned product curtesy of a lesser known user Kwikms. Who had came to me knowing exactly what he was looking for, and something he truly felt the community would appreciate. That's right he wanted me to make something not only for himself, but for you as well!

    His specifications were:
    • Block all images other than the first image to users using adblocking software.
    • An admin option for choosing which usergroups this would apply to.
    • Do not block smileys in post.

    His envision was to have a sort of spoiler feel like "look we have good content, but you need to disable your adblocker if you want to see any more."
    DRC - Adblock Image Block
    was born!

    This is by no means a "perfect" solution (as with any adblock detection, there are always ways around them.) but it is a deterrent, and most users aren't too tech savey to bypass them.

    - While testing, I standardly do not use adblockers. So images were caching for me and it seemed the product was not working for me when it in fact was. Simply clearing my cache solved that issue.

    - There are adblockers that will not block false ads, thus not triggering the adblock detection.
    I will not list these adblockers because I do not believe in them but the bigger known, and most commonly used adblockers will trigger (they don't bypass detection).

    Want to see a live example? You can check out his site here (hope he doesn't mind, lol)
    Or on my site HERE (note: my version is modified do to my heavily modified vBulletin)
    You must enable an adblocker to see anything =/ (the irony)

    Upon Downloading any DRC product you acknowledge and agree to abide by the following:
    Products are designed for default vBulletin, downloads are as is and not guaranteed to work with your custom site.
    You are permitted to alter the product code and images for your own personal use.
    Under no circumstances is the code (original or modified) permitted to be redistributed.
    Exceptions will only be made with written permission from Dirt RIF CustUmz.
    All copyright notices must remain in the templates and are not to be modified.
    Unless a One-Time or Universal Branding Free license is purchased. (contact me via PM until the shop is complete)
    DRC products will collect installation statistics DETAILS HERE
    If you have any concerns in regards to this, please contact me.

    Download Now


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    اسم الموقع: نورالأنيميات
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    للتواصل عبر صفحات الموقع الرسمية في الفيس بوك:
    منتديات نورالأنيميات
    منتديات نور الأنيميات " Animeiat-Light " أكبر موقع للإنمي المترجم و المدبلج
    إستضافة نور Nour Host
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    مجموعة الموقع الرسمية بالفيس: AnimeiatLight2020-- منتديات نور الأنيميات " AnimeiatLight" -- إستضافة نور Nour Host

    خدماتي بموقع خدماتي: أنس أسامة
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    خمسات: أنس أسامة
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